Abdullah Khan - The Cool Filter LLC

We are using the cool filter 50 gpd machine for last 9 months and one thing i want to tell you all our machine got leakage problem and there technician reached to us in an hour and fixed the leakage issue and service is on time what they commit they deliver it and while installation time they told us that you will save time,money and you will get healthier water in my home. I totally agree with them its true i saved around 2160 Aed in 9 months. I was buying bottle water for 8 Aed daily and grocery was delivering it late also sometime they say bottle delivery people not came when i have installed their machine no waiting and saved money also i will prefer it for all families who used to buy bottle water 100% recommendation

We are pioneers in introducing reverse osmosis water purifiers in the UAE. Our commitment is to make safe and healthy water available to each and everyone,

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