Horeca Ice Machine/Fountain Drinks

Safe, Pure Water

With our state-of-the-art water filtering system created specially to meet the needs of the beverage sector, we at The Cool Filter LLC are redefining the bar of purity for ice machines and fountain drinks. When you use water that is both pure and clear, your ice and fountain drinks will taste better.

As one of the leading company in the UAE in the field of water treatment, our filtration systems not only removes dissolved contaminates and other impurities present in tap water, it also effectively helps in removing germs & bacteria.

This gives you clean and pure water that retains essential minerals thereby protecting your health, skin & hair.

“To Purify water, you need to filter everything but the water out”

We are pioneers in introducing reverse osmosis water purifiers in the UAE. Our commitment is to make safe and healthy water available to each and everyone,

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